Science Project

I was assigned a huge Science Project before Spring Break started. I chose not to do it until after Spring Break and on Saturday. It's due on Tuesday! Oh dear. Now I'm in a hurry. I planned the entire week on how I was going to complete this. I was going to try and do my project in my room without my computer since I would barely have any space to work on it. Then, right when I was about to start (Oh god, my luck is terrible), my friend called me to ask if they could borrow my Science Textbook for the weekend. Since I'm a nice friend I said sure. She came over and picked it up. Now I have to depend on my computer for all my resources... I'm going to get easily distracted by my computer.
I have like, 5 more parts of the project to do. It's a total of 100 points but I'm trying to get extra credit as well. Therefore it's a total of 110 points. There's not guarantees I'm going to do well on the project either. :(
What am I going to do? Darn my generosity.


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